Discovery Bay Women’s Club
We welcome women of all ages and skills who want to play golf and have fun doing it!
Would you like to:
- Meet other women players?
- Improve your golf game?
- Get a handicap?
- Learn golfing rules and etiquette?
- Have Fun?
Come and join one or both of our groups. Guests are welcome anytime. Call the clubhouse and let us know that you’d like to play with us.
18-hole group: Thursday mornings, April-October. Tee time at 10:00 in April, 9:00 May-Oct. Meet in the Wo-men’s Lounge at 9:30 in April and at 8:30 May-Oct. The 18-hole group has players of all skill levels. Most have handicaps or are working toward a handicap. There is a friendly competition for the day, which is optional for any player. Players pay $2 into a pot and money is awarded to the winners.
9-hole group: Tuesday mornings, April-October, Tee time at 9:30. Meet in the Women’s Lounge at 9:00.
The 9-hole group plays a casual, low-key, non-competitive round. Our Niners are those who want to play only nine holes, who feel their game needs a little work before they join the 18-hole group, who are just beginning, who would like to work toward a handicap, or who can’t play on Thursdays!
Membership: We are always looking to add to our membership, so if you or anyone you know is interested in joining, contact Jerri Torson at 206-931-6833, or email her at We welcome all skill levels. You’ll have a chance to meet all of our friendly women golfers and learn that playing with a club is mostly about having fun, improving your golf game, and meeting people to play golf with.
Membership dues are $54.00 per year, which includes membership in the Washington State Golf Association and a GHIN (Golf Handicap Network) number.
To print out a membership application form, click DB Women’s Registration Form.